“Uncommon Garden Gems: Discover These 7 Hardy Perennials”

Having unique and stunning flowers can truly enhance the appearance of any garden. While frost-resistant perennials may be uncommon in modern gardens, they boast both beauty and low-maintenance care. These flowers are also resilient in harsh, cold climates such as those found in Russia. One example of a beautiful frost-resistant perennial is the Astra New Belgian.

The Novobelgiskaya aster is a plant known for its resilience in cold weather, and it can reach heights of 40-150 cm. This perennial boasts numerous varieties, making it the perfect choice for any gardener looking to add some diversity to their garden. It’s best to plant this aster in well-lit areas and shielded from strong winds. This plant is easy to care for and only requires thorough weeding. If there are periodic rains, it may not need additional watering. It’s important to note that this aster grows rapidly, so it’s advisable to divide the bushes during early spring to keep them in check. Remember, variety is key, and the Novobelgiskaya aster is an excellent addition to any garden.

The Siberian Kandyk is a beautiful wild plant that can be found in various regions of Russia. It can also be an excellent decorative addition to one’s personal garden. This perennial has a rich history that dates back to ancient times and its name, “kandyk,” means “dog’s tooth.” The flowers of the plant come in various colors and resemble the canines of an animal. This plant is unique as it emerges from under the snow during early spring and starts to bloom in May but only for a brief period of two to three weeks. The upper section of the kandyk then dries up and rests until the next year. Another lovely plant is the Baptisia.

Baptisia, a plant related to acacias and mimosas, is a hardy and easy-to-grow perennial that is unfortunately not commonly found in gardens. However, this is a shame, as baptisia is truly stunning. Its blooms resemble delicate, wispy candles that can grow up to 1.5-2 meters tall. Baptisias come in a wide variety of colors, including snowy white, blue, and even yellow. These plants are particularly well-suited for rock gardens and alpine landscapes, where they can really shine. Another noteworthy plant for gardeners to consider is the Clematis Tangut.

The Clematis Tangut is an easy-to-grow perennial that can withstand freezing temperatures and is originally from Mongolia. Although it grows under 50 cm tall in the wild, when cultivated in a garden, it takes on the form of a vine with stems that can grow up to 4 meters. In fact, a mature clematis vine can cover an entire wall section up to 5 square meters in size. The plant typically blooms in yellow shades from June until cold weather sets in. Another popular perennial is the Hydrangea paniculate.

Panicle hydrangea is a stunning perennial that is admired by many gardeners. However, not everyone feels confident enough to grow this plant. Its lush inflorescences of pink, blue, and white shades are a sight to behold from mid-summer to mid-October. Additionally, hydrangea is relatively low-maintenance and can withstand frost. So why not give it a try in your garden?


The anemone plant is a fascinating addition to any backyard. With over 160 species of perennials, each one boasting its own unique flowering time, there is plenty of variety to choose from. Care requirements for different types of anemones can vary greatly, with some being easy to care for and others requiring more attention. The difference in care needed is due to the varying characteristics of the plants, with some having rhizomes that are low-maintenance, while others have tubers that require more specific care. One particular species worth noting is the dodecateon.

Dodecateon is a type of perennial plant that captures the imagination with its unique inverted flowers on delicate, almost invisible stems. This plant displays an impressive range of diversity with 15 distinct main species and 23 subspecies.
If you’re planning on buying and planting this perennial, don’t expect to see blooms right away. Dodecateon has a slow development process and may take 3-5 years to produce inflorescences. However, it’s important to note that this plant is low-maintenance, and can tolerate both hot, dry weather and frost. It thrives in partial shade and requires good moisture.
Overall, Dodecateon is a captivating and fascinating perennial that will add a touch of unique charm to any garden or outdoor space.

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