Lonely Chimpanzees Find Solace in the Companionship of a Canine Friend

Princess was almost at the brink of being offered as a sacrifice until her newfound humans, Jenny and Jimmy Desmond, came into her life. The couple’s immense love for animals became evident to Princess, especially when their dog provided comfort to grieving chimps who lost their family in a natural disaster. Princess firmly believes that everyone deserves a second chance at life, and her concern for the well-being of these primates reflects this belief. Rescued from a sanctuary at only a year old, Princess knows firsthand the importance of compassion and kindness towards animals.

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Right from the start, Princess was captivated by Desmonds when they visited her. This stunning dog did everything in her power to catch their eye and make it clear that she longed to be a part of their family. And, as luck would have it, she managed to win them over in the end.

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The Desmonds made a decision to go on an adventure to 10 different countries to help numerous animals, showing their immense love and care for these creatures.

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It caused great anger amongst the Desmonds when they discovered that the New York City Blood Center had left numerous chimpanzees to fend for themselves. In response, they decided to step in and rescue them, with the help of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and other local rescue teams. Had the Desmonds not intervened, it is likely that the chimpanzees would have died.

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The Desmonds, along with the princesses, journeyed to Liberia to further their efforts in supporting neglected primates and providing refuge and rehabilitation to animals who have fallen victim to unlawful killing.

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Jenny reported that Princess is dedicated to providing a safe haven for chimpanzees, offering them a home where they can thrive. She is actively supporting their preparation for future integration into a new chimp family at the rescue facility. One of the Desmonds’ main objectives is to establish the first chimpanzee shelter in Liberia, which requires collaboration with various partners such as HSUS and the Liberian Forest Development Authority. The team has a waiting list of more chimpanzees and plans to take them as soon as they have the necessary resources. The primary purpose of the shelter is to provide the rescued chimps with a secure future among their own kind, not humans.

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