Exploring the World of Cuphea: Growing, Nurturing, and Propagating Unique Varieties

Cuphea is a highly varied plant genus, with a plethora of distinctive and attractive flower shapes. Surprisingly, certain species can be cultivated in the UK as decorative outdoor plants or indoor potted plants.

False heather in bloom

Cuphea plants come in a variety of species, with false heather being the most well-known. However, cigar plant or firecracker plant and bat-faced cuphea are also popular. These plants have unique names that match their unique flowers. Cuphea plants belong to the Lythraceae family and are native to South and Central America. They can grow as herbaceous plants, climbers, or semi-woody shrubs, depending on the species. While some varieties can be grown in garden beds or pots, most are annuals in colder climates. However, with proper care and overwintering, they can be grown as perennials. Cuphea plants bloom in summer and each species has its own distinct and decorative flowers.

Bee on cuphea flower

Do bees like Cuphea plants? Definitely! Not only are they bee-friendly, but also attract a diverse range of other pollinators.


There are various types of Cuphea that can be grown in gardens or as houseplants in the UK, each with different varieties distinguished mostly by the color of their flowers. Among the most well-liked species are C. ignea, also called cigar plant or firecracker plant, which boasts bright red tubular blossoms resembling burning cigars. Despite being a perennial shrub, this species is mainly cultivated as an annual in regions with colder climates due to its vulnerability to frost.

Cigar plant flowers

The cigar plant’s name comes from its appearance, as seen in the provided photo. Another variant of this plant, C. hyssopifolia, also known as false heather, Hawaiian heather or elfin herb, looks distinct from C. ignea. Its small, radially symmetrical flowers come in different colors like pink and purple, depending on the variety. The ‘Limelight’ variant has young leaves that are light green, but they darken over time. If you’re looking for a low-growing ground cover, consider the ‘Allyson Lavender’ variant.

Blooming Cuphea hyssopifolia

The false heather, Cuphea hyssopifolia, may not have flashy blooms, but they are still stunning in their own right. A different species of Cuphea, the C. llavea, is commonly called bat-face cuphea due to its unique flowers that resemble a bat’s head. This plant is popular among bees and can be kept in gardens or as a distinctive houseplant. With proper winter care, it can even grow as a perennial. Another variation of C. llavea is the ‘Sriracha Rose,’ which has colorful, circular flowers that are just as remarkable as the bat-like blooms.

Bat-face shaped cuphea flowers

If you’re planning to plant Cuphea, it’s essential to take into account the specific requirements of the species to ensure proper care. Although Cuphea is a vast genus, most species share some common preferences regarding location. They thrive in loose, nutrient-rich soil and prefer a bright area that isn’t exposed to midday sun. As they aren’t winter-hardy, it’s best to plant them in a container, pot, or balcony box to allow for relocation to a warmer spot during the colder months, ensuring they bloom again the following year. Additionally, potted soil heats up more quickly, which Cuphea plants enjoy.

Potted cuphea plant

For those who want to grow Cupheas in pots, it is best to choose a planter with a drainage hole. To enhance drainage, add a layer of pebbles or expanded clay at the bottom of the pot. Use a high-quality soil formulated for flowering plants like Plantura Organic Flower Compost to ensure that your Cuphea gets the nutrients it needs. Keep in mind that Cupheas require moist soil to bloom well, so it’s essential to water them regularly. If you’re planting Cupheas in your garden, mix some potting soil into the planting hole to improve soil quality. Low-growing varieties like ‘Alysson Lavender’ look especially lovely when planted in beds. To achieve a magnificent ground cover, plant up to twelve plants per square meter and cover the soil with a layer of mulch to prevent water evaporation.

Organic Flower Compost, 40L

Enhance your garden’s beauty with our 40L Organic Flower Compost that is ideal for all flowering plants, whether in garden beds or pots. Our peat-free organic soil promotes healthy plant growth and has a CO2-saving composition, making it an environmentally-friendly option. If you’re looking for year-round houseplants, Cuphea is an excellent choice. You can also move potted Cuphea plants to your balcony or garden, depending on the weather. Cuphea plant care is easy, requiring regular watering, especially when the soil feels dry. We recommend using lime-free water for watering potted plants, and if excess water gathers in the saucer, pour it off. Garden bed Cupheas must also be watered as soon as the soil dries. To encourage healthy growth and beautiful flowers, fertilize Cupheas using a slow-release fertilizer such as our Plantura All Purpose Plant Food, which is made from natural ingredients. Applying it in April or May by sprinkling it onto the soil and watering will ensure nutrients are slowly released to the plant over at least three months.

All Purpose Plant Food, 1.5kg

The 1.5kg All Purpose Plant Food is a versatile product that can be used for different types of plants, whether in the garden or on the balcony. It helps promote healthy growth and supports active soil life. This fertilizer is also safe for children and pets since it does not contain animal products.

However, if you have Cuphea plants that are kept in conservatories or on the balcony, a liquid fertilizer that you can dilute in water would be more appropriate. Our Plantura Liquid Flower Food is specially formulated for flowering plants such as Cupheas, which ensures strong roots and abundant flowering. We suggest applying this fertilizer once a week from spring to autumn at half the normal dosage. If your Cupheas are kept in the same conditions during winter, you can fertilize them every two months from autumn to spring while watering them occasionally.

Garden bed cuphea

It is recommended to prune most plant species for various benefits. Not only does deadheading annual shrubs eliminate unsightly withered flowers, it also promotes further blooming. Trimming the tips of the shoots of Cuphea can encourage compact and bushy growth. For perennial shrubs, a rejuvenation pruning in the spring by cutting back about one-third of the plant can stimulate new growth and abundant flowering. During colder seasons, Cuphea plants may perish above ground, but can regrow afterwards. To protect the base during this time, it’s best to apply a thick layer of mulch.

Liquid Flower Food, 800ml

Introducing the 800ml Liquid Flower Food, perfect for all types of flowers and balcony plants. This liquid fertiliser is designed to promote lush and healthy blossom throughout the season, with a quick and easy application that is safe for children and pets.

If you’re looking to give your potted Cuphea plants a boost, it’s a good idea to repot them in fresh soil every spring. And if you’re interested in propagating new plants, the easiest method is to take cuttings. Simply cut a few 5 cm long head cuttings diagonally from the mother plant in spring or autumn, making sure to remove the lowest leaves. The cut shoots should be flowerless but not completely woody. Place the cuttings in a suitable growing medium and water, then cover with a plastic bag to increase humidity, remembering to air out occasionally. Once new leaves begin to grow, transfer the young plants to soil that is more nutrient-rich.

Butterfly on cuphea plant

Butterflies are attracted to
plants, but not all species are suitable for winter climates. While
C. llavea
can withstand temperatures as low as -10 °C, the
C. ignea
species should be kept indoors during the winter and fertilized every two months with less frequent watering. Although
plants are not toxic, it is not recommended to consume them. If you’re interested in unique flowering plants, check out our article on the glory lily (
Gloriosa superba
) for tips on planting, maintenance, and winter care.

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