Desperate Pup Stuck in Gutter Cries for Help, Ignored by Reluctant Rescuers

Some time ago, someone shared a heart-wrenching story about a puppy whose owner had passed away and relatives had abandoned him. The poor pup was wandering on the streets, hoping for someone to take him in, but no one showed any interest. Sadly, he fell into an open gutter and cried for help, but still, nobody stopped to rescue him.

A compassionate person got in touch with Animal Aid Unlimited India after spotting a distressed dog on the street. The poor animal, named Felix, was found lying in a ditch, whimpering in agony as rescue workers showed up to help him.

According to a video uploaded by Animal Aid Unlimited India on YouTube, they received a distress call from a puppy that was whimpering in agony. Upon investigation, they discovered the poor creature stuck in an exposed drain and yelping for help.

Initially, it was a mystery to us what the issue was, but we soon discovered several severe injuries on his limb.

After bringing Felix to Animal Aid’s hospital, we provided him with necessary relief from pain and infection, while also taking care of his wounds by cleaning and suturing them. With the passage of two weeks, Felix showed clear signs of progress and improvement through proper medical therapy and relaxation.

Felix’s recovery was quick after receiving lots of love and attention. According to his rescuers, in just two weeks, the scared kitten turned into an affectionate and loving companion.

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