“A Heartwarming Tale: The Resilience of a Stranded Dog and Its Miraculous Rescue that Touched Millions”

Amazing news! A lady residing in Bisbee, Arizona has recently contacted Little Lotus Rescue and Sanctuary, a non-profit organization that rescues dogs from the danger of euthanasia. She left a message explaining how she found an abandoned dog on her property, who seemed to be in poor health. The lady further added that the dog was unable to move and had been lying in a ditch.

Upon arriving at the residence, rescuers encountered temperatures exceeding 94 degrees. A canine had been languishing in a creek filled with water throughout the day under the sweltering heat. The dog was located barely 10 feet away from the front door and only a few steps from a shed that could have offered some respite. However, the woman couldn’t provide an explanation. Since the life-saving operation, Little Lotus Rescue and Sanctuary have been issuing periodic updates. According to their Facebook page, “The dog’s nails are visibly long and untrimmed, implying that it has been incapable of movement for some time. The animal appears significantly undernourished and dehydrated.”

Regrettably, the poor pooch is facing a tough battle to pull through, as her state is deemed critical. Her medical examination revealed an alarming diagnosis of both kidney and liver malfunction, coupled with a decreased count of red blood cells.

The sweet dog experienced a seizure-free night on the sixth day, which brings hope to the hesitant rescuers. They are still not out of the woods yet, but they are optimistic that this improvement can help them understand her true medical condition before she was found in the ditch. The woman who discovered the dog won’t face animal cruelty or neglect charges as she claimed to have found the dog as a stray.

Pets are valuable companions that offer emotional support, reduce loneliness, and stress levels, and boost self-esteem and positive emotions, particularly in kids. Many individuals view their pets as family members and would never consider giving them up. However, not all human-animal relationships are successful, and sometimes adoption becomes the last resort for families committed to coexisting with animals.

Abandonment of animals is widespread, and various reasons are responsible for it, including lack of attention, economic difficulties, unwanted litters, parenting problems, children, new family members, or loss of homes.

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