“Desperate Pooch: Skinny and Starved, Seeks Help to Overcome Hunger and Thirst”

Meet Twiggy, a cat who was on the brink of death before being saved by the Dire Straits. When she was rescued, she was severely underweight, only four pounds of skin and bones, and had lost all her fur due to malnutrition. Unfortunately, Twiggy also had ulcerated corneas and cataracts in both eyes, rendering her blind. As time passed, we discovered that Twiggy was diabetic and ketotic.

Twiggy, despite being anemic and having a heart murmur, showed great determination and refused to give up. With proper treatment for her diabetes, Twiggy started seeing progress as she slowly began to gain weight.

Once her health improved, we had her spayed and underwent surgery to remove both of her mammary chains as they were afflicted with several tumors. Luckily, the tumors turned out to be non-cancerous.

Twiggy received essential dental care and had eight teeth extracted to improve her overall health. Currently, she weighs a healthy seven and a half pounds and is responding positively to receiving insulin injections two times a day. Check out the video below for more information.

Twiggy’s corneal ulcers have completely healed and the final hurdle in her path to full recovery is a cataract surgery to restore her vision. The procedure costs around $4000 for a single eye and $5000 for both eyes, but we are committed to doing everything possible to ensure her well-being, given how far she has come and what she has already overcome. With the sun shining down on her and her cone off, Twiggy couldn’t be happier! She was able to see again and ran around the yard with boundless energy and happiness – it was a sight for sore eyes!

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