“Unbreakable Bond: Autistic Boy and his Loyal Canine Companion Stick Together Through Thick and Thin”

There’s no doubt that dogs are the ultimate companions. They’re the loyal friends we often take for granted but are lucky to have in our lives. And here’s another example of their amazing qualities that make them superior to humans.

Meet James Isaac, a charming 9-year-old boy with autism who struggles with speech and socializing with others. However, James has a special companion named Mahe who has been a great support to him.

Meet Mahe, the faithful service dog who is always by his owner’s side. This New Zealand patient recently had an MRI scan to diagnose his seizures, and the doctors were touched by the inseparable bond between Mahe and his human. As a result, they allowed Mahe to accompany him during the procedure.

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As James was being placed inside the machine, Mahe remained by his side and nuzzled his face with affection.

Michelle Isaac shared with Stuff.co.nz that during their chat, she noticed a concerned expression on the face of the person she was speaking with, who happened to be looking intently at her son James.

Most people would probably feel anxious on their way to the hospital, and this also goes for Mahe’s owner James. However, Mahe is not only a great companion during these trips, but has been a helpful presence in other situations as well. The two have been best friends for over two years, and Mahe, who was trained by the Assistance Dogs New Zealand Trust, assists James in staying calm during all of their outings together.

Wendy Isaacs, an employee of the trust, remarks that the interaction between children with autism and dogs creates a magical experience that soothes the children. The bond between them is remarkable.

Mahe, you’re definitely making a mark in the world! Keep doing what you’re doing and continue to inspire others. Video: Reference: Inside Edition


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